Worship Ministry

Our faith community welcomes all to join us at the table of the Lord to celebrate the Eucharist so that we may be fed by the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. At our Eucharistic celebrations one is nourished in Word and in Sacrament so that one can live out the missions of Jesus Christ in their daily living. It is our belief that "we are one body, one body in Christ and we do not stand alone".

Thank you for being amazing, and for all you do for our parish community! You are a blessing to me and to St. Matt’s, and I’m so grateful for being part of such a wonderful and faith-filled parish family!

Worship Ministry Stewardship Opportunities


The Ministry of Greeter is a wonderful way to enhance your Sunday worship experience. The Ministry of Greeter is a representative of our parish community who stands at the inside entrance of our church to greet and welcome all who come to worship at St. Matthew’s. The only requirement to be a Greeter is a willingness to share a smile and hello with all those who come to join us for worship. This is a GREAT ministry for families to do together!


The role of Usher is one of hospitality, service and prayer. Ushers help parishioners and guests find seating, assist with the collection, facilitate lines in the distribution of communion, and hand out bulletins at the end of Mass. This ministry is open to any member of the parish, male or female, over the age of 14.


Lectors are more than those who stand before the assembly and exercise their talent for reading! The Lector’s role of service to the community is to proclaim the revealed Word of God. The Ministry of Lector is open to all members of the parish over the age of 14.

Altar Servers

St. Matthew Altar Servers are comprised of girls, boys and adults who serve:

• The priest by helping him preside at liturgy
• The parish family by helping everyone to worship and celebrate
• God through prayer and worship
• This is a great opportunity for brothers and sisters, or moms and dads and daughters and sons to minister together during Mass.

The ministry of sacristan is one of those “behind the scenes” ministries within our community.
The sacristan makes sure that everything is set for our liturgies to be celebrated. It is a vital part of each weekend and weekday Mass, making it possible for everyone in our community to celebrate the Eucharist. A great ministry for singles and families!

Eucharistic Ministers

The Eucharistic Minister is a special minister who assists the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass. This ministry is extraordinary in that it calls those who are a part of it to reflect even more deeply on the gift of the Eucharist as they share it with the assembly.
This ministry is open to any man or woman who has been confirmed in
the Catholic Church.

Music Ministry

The Ministry of Music is a necessary and beautiful part of our liturgy at St. Matthew’s. There are many ways and opportunities to become active in our parish music ministry! If you have been given a music gift from God, please consider sharing it with your parish.

Liturgy of the Word for Children

This ministry provides an opportunity for children ages 4-10 to hear and experience the Liturgy of the Word at their level. Children’s Liturgy of the Word happens at the Sunday 10:30 Mass, September thru May and no registration is necessary. Adults are always needed for this ministry, and training and resources are provided!

Art & Environment

The task of making our worship space a prayerful and sacred place is a special one. We need many people to make this committee function well.
Specifically, we need seamstresses, decorators, people skilled in flower arranging and woodworking, people to launder linens and hangings, and idea people.
If you have gifts in any of the above areas, please consider joining us!

Rosary Tuesday Nights

Meets every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm in the Day Chapel.

Holy Hour

In his pastoral reflection, “Teach My People to Pray,” Bishop Ricken calls on all parish sites, wherever possible, to have “at least one holy hour each month, with exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament to pray for the parish, the Diocese and families that we may have a massive awakening of the faith and that many people will return to the practice of the faith.” St. Matthew has Holy Hour every Fourth Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm in the Day Chapel. We are always looking for individuals to volunteer. 

Plant Care Ministry

Plants and flowers help to make our worship space beautiful, and are especially helpful in designating the liturgical seasons. Poinsettias let us know it’s Christmas, lilies mark Easter, and spring flowers point to the promise of new life and beauty to come. Flowers and plants are only beautiful, however, if they are nurtured and cared for. If you have a green thumb, enjoy plants and flowers, and have some time to share, please consider this ministry.

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