Visit the “MyConnection,” website - a resource for individuals, families, and agencies with mental health questions or concerns. The site provides information about mental health and substance use services in our region, including a robust local Service Directory covering the four county region. Throughout the site, you’ll learn more about key health topics, current legislation, and organizations that provide assistance to our local community. Take a quick, anonymous mental health screening to assess your risk for a number of mental health challenges, and quickly and easily find your way to help and hope.
Regardless of where you begin your search, helps you find what you need - it helps ensure that there is "No Wrong Door" for those who need information, resources, and connection to services.
The local site, developed by the Northeast Wisconsin Mental Health Connection and Connections for Mental Wellness in partnership with United Way Fox Cities and Brown County United Way’s 2-1-1, was funded by the Community Foundations of Greater Green Bay and the Fox Valley Region through the Basic Needs Giving Partnership, and the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program/Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment.