Generations of Faith - Come Follow Me: Living the Gospel

Generations of Faith - Come Follow Me: Encountering Jesus on our Journey

If you have children in public school, or are just looking for a way to do some faith formation as a family, we invite you to join us for our Generations of Faith program. 

GOF is an intergenerational, family program designed for families and folks of all ages. 

Our gatherings begin with dinner (optional) available at 5:15.  The program piece of the evening begins at 5:45 and runs till 7 pm.  Some evenings are designed for families to stay together for learning activities, other nights we break into age groups for our session.  

Our 2024-25 year begins Wednesday, September 11.  Registration is ongoing.  Our year ahead includes 19 gatherings during the school year.  Some of our gatherings will be worship focused, some activity focused, some service focused, but all of them are designed to help us encounter Jesus and respond to his invitation to Follow Me through our Catholic faith journey.

Links to the calendar and online registration are below.

Questions? Call Mike or Ann D. at the parish center or reach out via email. We’d love to have you join us.

Still need to Register? No Problem!

There are two ways to register your family:

Completed forms can be returned to the St. Matt's parish office along with payment (semester or year). Checks can be made payable to St. Matthew Religious Education. Questions? Contact Ann Dabeck ( or Mike Westenberg ( at the St. Matthew parish office 435-6811.                                                                                                  

What is Generations of Faith?

Religious Education for Public School Families

One of the most important things we do as parents is to help our children develop a relationship with their God.  At St. Matthew we support families in that endeavor through our Generations of Faith program. Generations is open to everyone in the parish community but is especially important to our families using public education. It’s a time and place for us to support each other and together learn about our God and our Church. Special age level breakouts allow us to explore our faith in a manner that fits where we are at life, whether it be elementary, middle school, high school or adult.

As we look ahead to the start of a new school year we invite families new and old to sign up for this year’s program.

Cancellation Policy: If Green Bay Public schools cancel evening activities and/or school for the day then Generations will also be cancelled. A 2-hour delay in the morning will not cancel Generations.