Faith Formation

Religious Education for Public School Families
Generations of Faith (GOF) is St. Matthew Parish’s Faith Formation program. GOF is open to anyone of any age who wants to grow deeper in their faith, but it is especially directed towards families who have their children in public school. GOF is a full family program, where everyone comes for faith formation. Within our time together we share a meal, pray together and have age-appropriate breakout sessions where we explore and learn about our faith. We meet Wednesday evenings, normally twice per month.

Sacramental Preparations
Preparation for, and celebration of Sacraments, is a pillar of Catholic faith life. The process of preparation takes place in both the parish community and home, and consists of parent meetings, parent/child meetings, and home-based materials. Children preparing for sacraments should be enrolled in either the school or Generations of Faith and should be regular participants in the life of the faith community.

Catholic Education
St. Matthew Catholic Community is blessed to be part of Father Allouez Catholic School, along with Resurrection Parish in Allouez, Wisconsin. In 2016, St. Matthew and Resurrection's schools came together to form Father Allouez Catholic School; which is part of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education System (GRACE). St. Matthew is the Elementary campus (Early Childhood through Grade 4) and Resurrection is the Middle School Campus (Grades 5 through 8).