Mass Intentions

Mass Intention Policy at St. Matthew

Offering Mass for a particular intention has been a way of remembering special people and special intentions within the Church for centuries. We try to honor requests for Mass intentions to the best of our ability and according to the Code of Canon Law for the universal Catholic Church.

We are finding several factors that affect scheduling intentions for Mass here:

  • The large number of requests for special dates (i.e. special dates related to the person, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.) versus the limited number of Masses celebrated at our parish.
  • Our desire to especially remember those who have most recently died.
  • Over-loading of the parish schedule so there is no room on the schedule.
  • The need to follow the Code of Canon Law which states that we must offer Mass for the scheduled intention within one year’s time (Canon 953).

Therefore, we have set these guidelines for the scheduling Masses intentions:

  • Maximum of 5 per year for any one intention (two weekends and three weekdays).
  • No multiple Mass intentions for a Mass.
  • We can accept Mass intentions for up to 6 months in advance.
  • We will accept a Mass intention a year in advance for the 1st anniversary of a death of a loved one.
  • Mass intentions will not be accepted for the following holidays: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday.

We are reminded by the Eucharistic Prayers that every Mass is for all of us and our loved ones who have died, as we are all part of the communion of saints.

Mass Intentions may also be given to retired priests of our diocese through the parish office. Masses may be sent out to additional groups, such as: Norbertine Priests, McCormick Home, Sisters of Bay Settlement, and Carmelites.

Diocese of Green Bay suggests a donation of $10 per Mass to the parish. We appreciate your understanding of this policy as we try to serve the spiritual needs of our parishioners. To schedule a Mass for your intention call or stop in the parish office during the week.