First Reconciliation & First Communion

Preparations for First Reconciliation and First Communion are done when children are in the early primary grades. Parents are invited to enroll their children in the preparation process when they feel they are ready for the sacraments. The process of preparation takes place in both the parish community and home, and consists of parent meetings, parent/child meetings, and home-based materials. Children should be enrolled in either the school or Generations of Faith and should be regular participants in the life of the faith community. The current practice of the Church is that preparations for First Reconciliation are to precede preparation for First Communion.

First Reconciliation

The sacrament of Reconciliation is a gift that celebrates and affirms the immeasurable and everlasting love and forgiveness of God. The loving-kindness and faithfulness of our Lord provides the backdrop and framework in which we are invited to examine our lives, confess our weaknesses and sins, and be assured of the ongoing love and presence of God in our lives through the Church's absolution.

First Reconciliation Calendar 2024
Wednesday, October 16           6:30 pm  Parent/child meeting Homework: Blessed, Chapters 1-2
Wednesday, November 13       6:30 pm  Parent/child Meeting Homework: Blessed, Chapters 3-4
Thursday, December 12            6:30 pm  Parent/child Meeting Homework: Blessed Chapters 5-6

First Reconciliation Celebrated  
Wednesday, December 18  6:30 pm St Matthew Parish Advent ReconciliationService

First Communion

Families are invited to enroll their children for First Communion preparation beginning in the second grade. The process of preparation involves parents and children, and takes place in both the parish community and home. Preparations for First Communion include an acceptance rite at the weekend liturgies, meetings in the evening, completion of home-based projects and materials, and a retreat. 

First Communion Calendar 2025
Wednesday, January 29        6:30 -7:30  Session for parents and children - Homework Lesson 1, 2
Wednesday, February 26      6:30 - 7:30  Session for parents and children - Homework Lesson 3, 4
Wednesday, April 2               6:30 - 7:30  Session for parents and children - Homework Lesson 5, 6
Wednesday, April 30             6:30-8:30   Session for parents and children

First Communions are celebrated at the parish's liturgies during the first weekends of the Easter Season: May 3 & 4 and May 10 & 11. Families will be divided between the two weekends. They will be a mixture of children from both the religious education program and school, representing our common parish identity.

Families will have the opportunity to sign up for which of the three weekend masses (4:30, 8:30, or 10:30) they would like to have their child celebrate First Reception at.


There are three ways to register your child:

Completed forms can be returned to the St. Matt's parish office along with a copy of their baptismal certificate and payment. Fee for both Reconciliation and First Communion is $70. Reconciliation only $30; First Communion only $40. Checks can be made payable to St. Matthew Religious Education. Note: A copy of the child's baptismal certificate is required even if they were baptized at St. Matt's. Questions? Contact Ann Dabeck ( or Mike Westenberg ( at the St. Matthew parish office 435-6811.